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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Reading Aloud Like an Expert

In reader's workshop this past week students have been learning to read aloud like an expert. As we head into our last bend in this nonfiction unit, students have switched roles and are now working as teacher experts. After spending a few days with a nonfiction text, reading it a few times, children have been going back into the text and marking interesting parts after reading, and looking at pictures/graphs. Students use sticky notes to write they find fascinating, what questions they have, and write important thoughts down that come to their mind. Students will use these sticky notes as they partner read with someone else to guide the book conversation. INQUIRE with your child what book they have chosen to become an expert in! As they finish up one, they move on to the next. Did you ever think your first grader would be learning to take notes?? I don't think I was taught that until college! I'm amazed at how focused the children are doing this task.

As students continue to become experts in their nonfiction text, they continue to think about the importance of rereading.  First graders can reread for a variety of reasons - INQUIRE with your child why they might reread a text.  

It would be great for first graders to continue reading at home. If you have not been seeing books come home with your child, please let me know and we can make a plan for this.