Local AccuWeather Forecast
This is an excellent site, and it will take you directly to the conditions and forecast for Loomis St. here in Montpelier! You can't get much more local than that! Again, please make sure your child comes to school prepared for the conditions, and please let me know if you have any questions. If you need assistance getting appropriate gear for your child, let us know in the front office right away; we have quite a supply of gear on hand here at UES!
UES DELAYED OPENING PROCEDURES: Speaking of cold weather, winter will soon be in full gear, and with the unpredictable weather comes the possibility of cancellations or delayed openings for school. We certainly got our first look at the crazy Vermont weather on Tuesday!
Here is what you need to know in case Mother Nature throws a snow or iceball at us one of these mornings. You will receive a robocall from Dr. Ricca as soon as the decision is made to either delay or cancel school. For delays:
Buses will run exactly two hours later than normal.
9:30 Teachers arrive
9:30 Teachers arrive
10:00 UES doors open; IAs arrive; buses begin to arrive; we're open for business! Students should arrive no earlier than 10:00 to ensure we have enough supervision.
10:00- Students will begin arriving to class; transition time; Morning Meeting.
10:25 UES schedule officially begins. Students will proceed as normal where the schedule would be normally at 10:25. Lunches will not be affected. The Snack Program will not be running on delayed opening days.