The end of the year kindergarten music show will be on Thursday, April 16th at 6 p.m. in the auditorium here at Union School. Immediately following, students and families are invited to walk through the big gym, where student artwork will be displayed. We are looking forward to a wonderful evening. Here are a few ways you can help your child prepare.
Students will meet in their own classrooms at 5:45 before the show. Plan to walk your child to their classroom, then head to the auditorium to find the perfect seat!
Please be sure your child wears black pants and comfortable shoes. Students will be entering and exiting from the the stage floor via stairs as well as standing on risers. Each student will have a color t-shirt to wear for the show, and should should wear a simple t-shirt from home to school. Teachers will provide students with their show t-shirt that evening. Other planned props will be provided in the classroom at this time as well.
It is helpful if your child has a light dinner before arriving. Students will be excited, and nervous tummies will feel best with this approach.
Please check your child's green communication folder tomorrow after school for an order form for the show t-shirts. All shirts are child sized. Please complete the form and return it to school in your child’s red folder ,with payment in an envelope labelled with their name. Please send cash only. No checks!