Today's community visit was to Bear Pond Books on Main Street. Students listened to a story read by Jane, the children's book expert, and learned about the job of a store clerk who works at a book store. Jane shared her enthusiasm for helping customers find the most perfect books. Her job keeps her busy, as she cleans the shelves, sets displays, orders books, and helps the customers each day. Store clerks work hard to make their customers happy. As students explored the children's space, some found some great book titles, spotted the space section (an upcoming unit of study), and even looked closely at an old cash register. Earlier in the day, students learned how about life back 100 years ago and how stores then may be different to how they are today. One way was the cash register, so seeing this piece of equipment was eye-opening for many! INQUIRE with your child how many children's books are estimated to be at Bear Pond? Why is Tuesday a favorite day for a clerk at Bear Pond? I know many children are itching to get back to explore some books, as only eyes were used this afternoon to view. Have fun on your own visit!

Over the last few weeks, students have been looking closely at the UES community. One way students are learning is by interviewing random adults that work at our school. Before vacation, we learned all about Mr. McClane, a 2/3 teacher that works upstairs. Students took turns asking him questions, and learned all about how long he's been teaching, why he chose teaching, about when he was a child in first grade, and so much more. Enjoy this link of Mr. McClane sharing about when he knew he wanted to be a teacher. Next week, we'll get to learn about Pinky, who delivers milk, Esther, a cafeteria chef, and Miss Pat, a special educator who works with upper grades.