Class Picture

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
With the snowfall and low temperatures this week, we wanted to be sure members of the UES community were aware of the UES schedule in the event of a delayed opening. Please note the 10:00 am time for the open of School. There will be NO coverage for students prior to that time, so please make backup plans. Thanks!
9:30 Teachers arrive
10:00 UES doors open; IAs arrive; buses begin to arrive; we're open for business!
10:00-10:25 Students will begin arriving to class; transition time; Morning Meeting.
10:25 UES schedule officially starts.
Day in the Dark
- Flashlights
- Headlamps
- Lite Brites
- Black Lights
- Glow in the dark markers/paint
- Lava Lamps
- Glow Sticks
- Glow in the dark beads
- Disco Balls
We will return your items that day. Please label all items sent to school. If you have any questions, just let us know.
Wouldn't it be cool if we all dressed in black? If you can, do it!
December Birthday Breakfast
Please join us to celebrate December Birthdays on Friday, December 20th. If you plan to attend, please drop me an email so I can plan accordingly. As a reminder, parents should leave by 9:00. We have a busy day planned and I know the kids will be excited to turn off the lights and begin our, "Day in the Dark" to celebrate the winter solstice. Please see the post for Day in the Dark for more info!
Monday, December 16, 2013
A Message from Kristina Kane
Good Morning!
Your students' art portfolios are outside your classrooms. Please hold them for parents to pick up through Wednesday, and then send any remaining ones home with the kidson Thursday or Friday.
If anyone is missing anything, they can come see me and we will look for it (may have been missing a name.)
I would appreciate your feedback - if it works, I will repeat this in June. My goals were to get more artwork home safely and to make things simpler for classroom teachers.
Thanks for all your help and support!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Day in the Dark Preparation
On Friday, December 20th, we will have our annual "Day in the Dark". This year, we have been learning about the seasons, and the reason for the winter solstice. Please help your child select dark clothing to wear. We also welcome a variety of light sources such as glow sticks, headlamps, flash lights, light wands, etc.
Friday, December 13, 2013
A Note from the Nurses
Hello All,
Our PE teachers have some extra sneakers in the gym for students to borrow during PE time.
In the past, children have visited a box by the office to look for shoes if they forgot their indoor shoes. We can no longer support this practice. If teachers want to keep a couple extra pairs of shoes in their classroom, I advise visiting the "lost and found" surplus table before break. Please understand that we cannot be a clothing and shoe resource for 400 kids. I am sure you already remind parents to send in shoes and dry clothes but I will ask Chris to put a reminder in the Owl newsletter.
Thanks so much,
Sarah and Trees-ah
Our PE teachers have some extra sneakers in the gym for students to borrow during PE time.
In the past, children have visited a box by the office to look for shoes if they forgot their indoor shoes. We can no longer support this practice. If teachers want to keep a couple extra pairs of shoes in their classroom, I advise visiting the "lost and found" surplus table before break. Please understand that we cannot be a clothing and shoe resource for 400 kids. I am sure you already remind parents to send in shoes and dry clothes but I will ask Chris to put a reminder in the Owl newsletter.
Thanks so much,
Sarah and Trees-ah
A few updates for you as we close the second week of December (can you believe it?) and head into our last week of school before the holiday break. Our last day of school will be next Friday, Dec. 20th, returning on Thursday, January 2nd.
We will have our December birthday breakfast next week, Friday December 20th. If you are able to send in a healthy breakfast item to school with your child to share, we would gratefully welcome it. I'll be sending an email out soon for those who signed up to bring something. Also, as always, please join us as your schedule allows even if your child is not having a birthday this month.
Students have been excited to finish up their Where in the World? map projects that were due today, Friday 12/13. Please feel free to send your child in with theirs on Monday if you would like to have a couple of extra days this weekend. We can't wait to see them and learn all about their travel and/or travel wishes!! Thanks for your support in the area of independent projects, we are all enjoying learning so many unique things (including, special interests and talents!) about one another every month!! We are planning to share them over the next week at school.
We will have our December birthday breakfast next week, Friday December 20th. If you are able to send in a healthy breakfast item to school with your child to share, we would gratefully welcome it. I'll be sending an email out soon for those who signed up to bring something. Also, as always, please join us as your schedule allows even if your child is not having a birthday this month.
Students have been excited to finish up their Where in the World? map projects that were due today, Friday 12/13. Please feel free to send your child in with theirs on Monday if you would like to have a couple of extra days this weekend. We can't wait to see them and learn all about their travel and/or travel wishes!! Thanks for your support in the area of independent projects, we are all enjoying learning so many unique things (including, special interests and talents!) about one another every month!! We are planning to share them over the next week at school.
On Wednesday, December 18th, we will be helping our buddy class out with two assemblies. We will be performing a dance with them at 8:30 and 2:00. Feel free to stop by and watch!
Every year the 5th grade has a craft and bake sale to fundraise for their Spring trip to Boston. The sale is next week on Wednesday December 18th. If you would like your child to visit the sale and make a purchase please send them to school with money in a sealed labeled envelop or plastic baggie. Thank you. A flyer will be coming home soon. A few dollars is MORE than enough!
Thursday, December 19th is the First Grade Book Exchange. Please send your child to school with one (or more if you are interested in donating more) book appropriate for first grade reading to swap. The even will take place at 12:15 p.m. (changed from 9:00) I am looking for parent volunteers to come at 12 p.m. who can help out during the exchange - please e-mail me if you have a couple of hours on Thursday afternoon. We are very excited about this activity!! See the flyer that went home this week for details.
Every year the 5th grade has a craft and bake sale to fundraise for their Spring trip to Boston. The sale is next week on Wednesday December 18th. If you would like your child to visit the sale and make a purchase please send them to school with money in a sealed labeled envelop or plastic baggie. Thank you. A flyer will be coming home soon. A few dollars is MORE than enough!
Thursday, December 19th is the First Grade Book Exchange. Please send your child to school with one (or more if you are interested in donating more) book appropriate for first grade reading to swap. The even will take place at 12:15 p.m. (changed from 9:00) I am looking for parent volunteers to come at 12 p.m. who can help out during the exchange - please e-mail me if you have a couple of hours on Thursday afternoon. We are very excited about this activity!! See the flyer that went home this week for details.
A celebration of the darkest day of the year will take shape as First Grade Day in the Dark next Friday, Dec. 20th. Please look for a note home/blog post about this soon, and how you may be able to help your child prepare. (If you come for birthday breakfast, you may be eating in the dark!)
Items purchased through the school fundraiser have arrived! If you have a question or concern about your order, feel free to call the main office. The staff, Zephyr or Pam, will be able to provide you with either some resources or contacts who can help resolve the issue. Thanks so much for supporting our school!
Items purchased through the school fundraiser have arrived! If you have a question or concern about your order, feel free to call the main office. The staff, Zephyr or Pam, will be able to provide you with either some resources or contacts who can help resolve the issue. Thanks so much for supporting our school!
An ECO update, we will not have an ALL first grade ECO outing on Thursday, Dec. 19th. We are looking at January for a possible special event. We will keep you informed.
Enjoy the weekend with your family. Looks like there's some snow in the forecast! Keep warm, and thanks as always for all you do to support your child's love and enjoyment of learning!!
Enjoy the weekend with your family. Looks like there's some snow in the forecast! Keep warm, and thanks as always for all you do to support your child's love and enjoyment of learning!!
Upcoming Assembly
Each month, the student body gathers (K-2 and 3-5) for an assembly. This year, each month's focus has been on a different component of CARES. Assemblies are put on by fifth graders - organized and run by members of each class. This month, our buddy class is responsible and they have asked us to perform a dance along with them. If they'd like to practice some of the dance moves, have them watch the videos below. The two assemblies will be on Wednesday at 8:30 (K-2) and 2:00 (3-5). If you care to watch, you're more than welcome to stop by the auditorium for the assembly!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Custodial Duty
December Earth Science
This month students are learning about Earth and its place in the universe, particularly relationships with our moon, the sun and stars. Students will be introduced to patterns in nature that occur naturally because of earth's relationship with universal bodies in our solar system. Students will make observations, predictions and become familiar enough to describe these patterns and why they occur, including:
Students are also expanding their vocabulary by learning the meaning of Earth science words, and using them through literacy, discussion and inquiry-based activities. These words include, but are not limited to: Earth, universe, sun, stars, moon, axis, orbit, rotate, revolve, spin, 365 days, seasons, day, night, light, heat, horizon, daylight, reflection, shadow, sunrise, sunset
You can help your child become more familiar with these "very big" science ideas that even adults often question and grapple with by making simple observations with them.
Sky changes show evidence of night and day:
Can stars be seen during the day - does that mean they are not there? Where is the sun when it is night? Is the sun a star? Does the sun give Earth heat and light? What time does the sun begin to light the sky in the morning? What time does the sun disappear for the night? Is it the same time every day? Is it the same time in Winter as Summer?
Enjoy the wonders of our universe through conversations with your child, and by making observations as well as asking questions together.
-The Phases of the Moon each Month (a monthly pattern
-The Seasons (an annual pattern)
Students are also expanding their vocabulary by learning the meaning of Earth science words, and using them through literacy, discussion and inquiry-based activities. These words include, but are not limited to: Earth, universe, sun, stars, moon, axis, orbit, rotate, revolve, spin, 365 days, seasons, day, night, light, heat, horizon, daylight, reflection, shadow, sunrise, sunset
You can help your child become more familiar with these "very big" science ideas that even adults often question and grapple with by making simple observations with them.
Lunar phases:
Look at the night sky, what does the moon look like? What shape is it? Is the shape the same or different than the last time you looked? Is the moon a source of light and heat?
Seasonal changes evident in the night sky:
Sky changes show evidence of night and day:

Enjoy the wonders of our universe through conversations with your child, and by making observations as well as asking questions together.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Informational Writing
Before Thanksgiving, students finished up their small moment narrative writing. Students have made a shift from story telling to writing about an informational topic. Children are thinking about what they are experts in and using a teaching voice to teach all about a variety of topics. Each child is coming up with a variety of topics to use when writing a new teaching book. Topics include but are not limited to: ballet, bunnies, dinosaurs, Keith Haring, football, lockers, cheetahs, yoga, etc. Using their fingers, each teaching book is carefully planned. Separating topic subjects is helpful to do in the planning stages for young children. A lot of time is spent orally telling the words that will be included in the book. After writing a draft, students are now going back and thinking about elaboration. INQUIRE with your child how they imagine someone reading their book who knows nothing about the subject. Students are thinking about the questions they may have (who, what, where, when, why, how) when they read the book. They then go back and add this new information to their work. Sometimes, children work with their writing partner to help expand on there ideas. This shift to nonfiction writing has been exciting and kids have jumped right into it with an open and enthusiastic mind!
Step 1: Thinking of a topic. |
Step 2: Planning across fingers. |
Step 3: Sketching the plan |
Step 4: Writing the words. |
Step 5: Collaborating with a partner to expand on ideas. |
Food Shelf Donations

Thursday, December 5, 2013
We showed miss bates class the back side of
harrison field on the way there.
Lary was the fire tender
we made tea.We mad a fire. We culectd mouse tales and chikude sticks for the fire. We drank the tea
that we was yeumy. But sume people
did not like it. while we were dringking owre tea lary told us a story about anamls . The story about the anamls was baste on a bird and it was a ledgind.then we left. It was fun.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Community Visit and UES Interviews
Over the last few weeks, students have been looking closely at the UES community. One way students are learning is by interviewing random adults that work at our school. Before vacation, we learned all about Mr. McClane, a 2/3 teacher that works upstairs. Students took turns asking him questions, and learned all about how long he's been teaching, why he chose teaching, about when he was a child in first grade, and so much more. Enjoy this link of Mr. McClane sharing about when he knew he wanted to be a teacher. Next week, we'll get to learn about Pinky, who delivers milk, Esther, a cafeteria chef, and Miss Pat, a special educator who works with upper grades.
Museum Tour
Thanks so much for supporting your child's inquiring mind, creativity and interest in special places in our Montpelier community through the November optional independent learning project. We celebrated just before the Thanksgiving break with an ALL first grade museum tour of projects made by every student. Each student presented their project to peers touring from other classes, explained why it was a special community place to them, how they made it, the materials they used and facts they learned. This was wonderful practice using cooperation and assertion to share information about their own work, and listen to peers explaining their projects, too.
So many students are already working on the December optional independent project: Where in the Word? about maps due December 15th. Please send your child's map and accompanying project materials to school as soon as it is finished. Students will present them to the class, then I will display them on one of our first grade hallway bulletin boards - have fun, and thanks again for your support! As a reminder, this project is again optional.
Check out some favorite first grade places in Montpelier, you may recognize a few!!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Reminders for walking Field Trips
On Wednesday our class will travel by foot to visit the Bear Pond Book store. This trip is in connection with our social studies learning theme focusing on getting to know who works in our community, where they work and what they do to help.
Focus on our community retailers will engage students in thinking about what people who live in Montpelier do to meet their needs, and do for fun. We will also be considering what people do when they visit our community. We will explore the children's section as observers and social studies investigators. We will also listen to a story read by book shop owner Claire Benedict.
Please talk with your child about how they can use C.A.R.E.S to make the trip a wonderfully fun learning experience, and show respect to our community members.
Also, this week we are taking on a community service challenge proposed by Screech here at UES - "stuff-a-nest" with non-perishable food items for the Montpelier Food Shelf. Please send items to school with your child by Friday, December 6th.
We will work with the food shelf staff to unload the UES "nest" on Friday December 13th as a service to our Montpelier community. We will travel to the food shelf on Friday morning.
On Thursday, we will travel to Harrison Forest for ECO. Please help your child be prepared with outdoor clothing and a change of clothes for when we return.
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