Class Picture

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Crabs, location, and computer!
Leaf Identification, Rubbings, and Labeling
Published Small Moments
Throughout the year the writing focus will shift. We will still be working on small moments for a bit longer, but will be eventually moving into expository writing, opinion pieces, poetry, etc. This past week, you may have heard from your child about their All About Book on Tigers. This was a pre-assessment that the entire grade completed to find out what students could when presented with a task that had them sharing their learning from a book about Tigers. In the spring, we will assess again and see their growth. Students had a lot of fun completing this activity and learning a little bit about Tigers!
Picture Re-Take Day
Pictures Re-Take day is next Thursday, November 7th. If you'd like your child to receive a new picture, please send in their old photos and let me know that you want a new photo taken. If you have any questions, please call the main office. Thanks!
Monday, October 28, 2013
As the weather begins to get chilly, we wanted to remind parents of a few important things.
1.) Morning Recess (before school) - if it is below 0 or pouring/thunder/lightning, students will wait in the auditorium for the 8:20 bell. Students are not to be dropped off at the classroom before this time. They should bring their bags to the auditorium and wait for me to escort them to the classroom.
2.) Lunch-Recess - Unless it is pouring or lightning, we are outside at this time. It is helpful to ALWAYS have your child prepare for inclement weather and be prepared to be outside on any day!
3.) Pick-Up - Students can be picked up off the bus at their designated drop off, by car in the barrier pull up, or as a walker (you can park and walk if you want). Please meet your child outside on the corner of Park/Loomis. We ask that you not come to the classroom to pick up your child (even if it's chilly and rainy outside). If you arrive early and need to pick up your child before the dismissal bell, please go to the front office and they will call down to us.
4.) Please remember that our school day begins at 8:20. Your child should be in the classroom at this time, ready for morning meeting.
5.) If you have a change in plans, be sure to call the office - I don't often check email during the school so please don't depend on email as a reliable way to change plans. If you can, please let the office know when your child is absent or has a change in plans (mid-day).
Thanks for helping us to ensure everything runs smoothly for all children at UES!
1.) Morning Recess (before school) - if it is below 0 or pouring/thunder/lightning, students will wait in the auditorium for the 8:20 bell. Students are not to be dropped off at the classroom before this time. They should bring their bags to the auditorium and wait for me to escort them to the classroom.
2.) Lunch-Recess - Unless it is pouring or lightning, we are outside at this time. It is helpful to ALWAYS have your child prepare for inclement weather and be prepared to be outside on any day!
3.) Pick-Up - Students can be picked up off the bus at their designated drop off, by car in the barrier pull up, or as a walker (you can park and walk if you want). Please meet your child outside on the corner of Park/Loomis. We ask that you not come to the classroom to pick up your child (even if it's chilly and rainy outside). If you arrive early and need to pick up your child before the dismissal bell, please go to the front office and they will call down to us.
4.) Please remember that our school day begins at 8:20. Your child should be in the classroom at this time, ready for morning meeting.
5.) If you have a change in plans, be sure to call the office - I don't often check email during the school so please don't depend on email as a reliable way to change plans. If you can, please let the office know when your child is absent or has a change in plans (mid-day).
Thanks for helping us to ensure everything runs smoothly for all children at UES!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Thanksgiving Lunch Date!
Thanksgiving lunch will be on November 20th this year. All family members are invited. This year, the lunch is by reservation only for family members. Reservations have to be made by November 8th. The cost will be $4.00 for adults, $2.75 for kids. Adults can't put the lunch on free and reduced accounts. Please plan on bringing money to pay for your families lunch. Email me if you plan to attend with the number of adults and children.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Bullying Assembly
We had an assembly on Wednesday with the K-2 grades. The focus was on Bullying and learning about what Bullying is. Students read an oath and promised to work hard for the next month on assertion. Our buddy class helped to prepare the assembly with the administration so we were excited to see videos they made about what bullying is. INQUIRE with your child what a bullying behavior is? What can they do to help prevent it?
Leaf Observers
Scientists were looking closely outside in Harrison Forest today. After learning about how to closely observe leaves in the classroom through the book, Fall Walk, Awesome Autumn and many others, we set out to find leaves in Harrison Forest. We not only found leaves, but looked closely at their color, edges, veins, shape, etc to make predictions about what tree they came from. Students journaled in their sit spots and answered many questions as they explored the ground around them. Following this activity, children participated in an activity called, "Hug a Tree" where they were able to closely look at the bark on a tree in a blindfolded partner activity. Before snack, students played a fun game in the field about a tree who did not want it's leaves on it for winter. The children on the other hand, wanted the leaves to be put back! This game helped us practice fox walking and the importance of moving slowly and quietly through the forest when looking for animals. Although a bit chilly, all students had an enjoyable morning. PLEASE help your child be prepared on these days by helping them dress for cold temperatures! (go to blog to view slideshow)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Birthday Breakfast
We will be hosting our first birthday breakfast, this Friday, October 25th. We will be celebrating students who had a birthday in October. We will meet for morning meeting, sing happy birthday, and enjoy a light birthday snack. Please email me if you plan to attend - all immediate family members are invited - whether you have a birthday child or not! You are welcome to bring younger siblings to these monthly birthday breakfasts (during other parts of our day, we ask that you leave younger siblings at home).
Class Photo
I am not sure why, but students did not get a copy of our class picture, as they normally would, in their school picture envelope. I will call Life Touch this week to inquire about this. Thanks for your patience!
Fire Station
Last week, we visited with Firefighters at the Montpelier Fire Department along with Mrs. Wrigley's class. We learned about fire safety and how the firefighters/EMT's go about helping our community and making it a safe place to live. Students explored both the ambulance and firetrucks and asked many important questions regarding their positions. INQUIRE with your child what would happen if there were a fire at the fire station? Thanks to all the firefighters for their time and willingness to teach our younger community members about one of many essential community jobs. AND, thank you for sharing your fire hats with all of us!
4 Winds
We will have ECO tomorrow (Thursday).
Please make sure that your child is prepared with:
- walking/hiking shoes
- sweatshirt or fleece to layer clothing
- water bottle
- snack
- back pack
- raincoat or winter coat (as needed)
- hat, gloves or mittens as needed
- water repellant socks (the field is very wet in the morning)
- Extra clothes to change into upon returning.
The weather is supposed to be changing this week, so it is helpful to talk about this change and the importance of being prepared for the drop in temperature!
If you plan on joining our classes, please let me know.
A message from Mr. Hennessey
HALLOWEEN AT UNION ELEMENTARY: I made a difficult decision last week: we've decided that Halloween cannot be celebrated at school on October 31. As much fun as it would be to celebrate with costumes and parties, we believe that such revelry would be simply too disruptive to the learning environment for an entire day. Please help us maintain a healthy learning environment the following days as well; we ask that all candy remain at home. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me or stop by.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Tulips at Home/School
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tulip Preparation
This week the first grade is launching a science and beautification project here at UES.
Through the Journey North Citizen Science Tulip Test Garden Project ( ) every first grader will plant a tulip bulb, and track its growth this Spring. Students will report when their tulips emerge, track and record the rate of growth and date of blossoming to the national Journey North database. There scientists will compile data from all international test tulip garden sites to report the progression of Spring globally, and identify trends.
Classes will plant in the Park Ave. gardens in front of the school and at the UES welcome sign, as well as in the Loomis St. gardens. One third of the 80 bulbs needed for this project were graciously donated by Montpelier Agway - thank you!
If anyone has a tulip bulb planter you would be willing to let us borrow, we'd love to use it this week on Friday if possible. PLEASE let us know if you have any tools that would help us out with planting! Thanks!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Computer Site for Extra Math/Literacy
Check out the side bar labeled, "Great Sites to Explore with your Children." In addition to sumdog, which may be too challenging for some students, abcya is a great site to explore with your child for literacy and math. ABCYA - Literacy and Math Site for Kids
Sharing in First Grade
Each morning, students join together in a morning meeting. The class greets each other, shares news, sings a song or playa a game, and also reads a message and reviews the daily activities and events. Our share time looks a little different than it did in Kindergarten. Each morning, we designate 2-5 minutes to hear from students about things they are excited to do, have done, hope for, anything about themselves, etc. INQUIRE with your child what they share about each day/week. If your child is having trouble with this, please help them practice their news with you in the morning. This news is a sentence or two and can be very brief! Thanks for your support at home!
Writer's Workshop
Each child's 'mini-me' awaited them (or is awaiting) their conference. Each year, I look forward to hearing students share their learning, excitements, and challenges in the student-led conference. It can be challenging to each of them to reflect on their school day. Thank you for supporting each of them in this task and inquiring with them about their school day!
Walking Field Trips
Through an integrated social studies/literacy focus on Me and My Community in first grade, students will be taking community walking field trips throughout the school year. Our new social studies unit began at the end of last week and the class began talking about what community is. Throughout this yearlong unit, students will be exploring who lives and works in their community, how people take care of themselves, and what people need to meet their needs in a community.
Each month, students will visit a different community place. October is Fire Safety month, so our first visit will be to the fire station on Wednesday, October 16th. Mrs. Wrigley's class will join us for this walk. Next month, we will travel to the police station to meet our own school officer, Cpl. Matt Knisley. This walking field trip will happen on Wednesday, November 6th with Mrs. Koch's class.
If any parents would like to accompany us on these walking field trips, please let me know. We'd love to have you join, however, please be considerate and leave younger siblings at home. Thanks!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Typical ECO day in First Grade
Over the last few weeks, I've been spending some of the time I normally 'blog' on other technology projects. I hope you all enjoyed the voice thread showing student learning about insects. This past week, I was working on a movie created from our ECO day at Harrison. I hope this gives you a little more insight into what an ECO morning looks like for your child! You will have to visit the blog page to view this imovie. Once you play the video, click the bottom right corner (square brackets) to enlarge the video to full screen. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Healthy Competition and Learning Empathy
I wanted to inform you of some ongoing problem solving we have been having with our motivated soccer players during all recesses during the school day. Every day, your child is eager to play pick up soccer games (not one recess has gone by without playing) and is having a great time doing so! Many days, they have taken on some 2nd and 3rd graders and have no problem keeping up! Of course, along with fun, come some challenges. Each day, we problem solve what has gone well and what is challenging. I would encourage all of you to bring up the conversation of 'soccer' and have your child discuss with you the joys as well of the challenges the game brings. I think the consistent communication between home and school regarding fair play and sportsmanship around this game will be the most helpful. We will continue to work with your child during their recess, but we also encourage you to do the same.
Thanks for encouraging empathy while playing competitive sports at school!
INQUIRE with your child what they learned from, Howard B. Wigglebottom!
Brain Breaks
You may have heard from your child that first grade is tiring...busy....hard...and FUN! As the academic intensity increases from that of Kindergarten, students are needing to move in between lessons and activities. Brain breaks incorporate short movement activities into our day to allow children to get their wiggles out and get their brain energized. This helps students focus and refresh their brain for the next learning lesson in their day. INQUIRE with your child what their favorite movement break has been this year. Head to the actual blog to see a video example of one of the many brain breaks we completed today!
Monday, October 7, 2013
3+4=5+3 (True or False?)
We have launched into the second unit in our Bridges Math Program. Over the past 2 weeks, the focus has been on addition - creating number sentences in a variety of ways, learning about the greater than and less than signs (> and <), noticing true and false number sentences, and learning about even and odd numbers and the patterns they create.

Students have sorted and counted buttons to determine which two colors appear most frequently. With these buttons, students examined different combinations to make 6 in a fun activity where they pulled 6 buttons mysteriously out of paper bags and recorded the results using an addition sentence of the 2 colors. In a work place, students are now exploring different combinations for the numbers 4 through 9. We have created a button addition chart to explore various fact families. INQUIRE with your child what the secret doors do!
We continue to act out a variety of story problems. When children hear and playact addition and subtraction story problems, they are able to connect and make deeper connections and develop a thorough understanding of the problem. This past week we dramatize story problems involving ladybugs and gardeners and developed number sentences to solve the problems. During work places, students are practicing creating number sentences in a game called, "Bugs in the Garden." INQUIRE with your child if they've had a chance to go to this center! Have they been able to find all their backwards bugs? I am being pretty strict when it comes to backwards numbers - all children are rewriting backwards numbers and are focusing their energy to forming it the correct way as they play a game called, "which numeral will win" and "spin and write."
In follow up lessons, students continued to learn how smaller numbers fit together to make larger
numbers. We explored this concept with odd and even puzzle pieces and tried to fit different pieces together to make different number combinations. INQUIRE with your child what an odd and even number is. What numbers are odd? What numbers are even?
During number corner, we have developed new calendar pieces for the month of October. We are focusing on position words and describing where a ladybug is in relation to the flower. Students are starting to notice a pattern - but aren't quite sure what it is yet. Can you believe we've been in school for 26 days already! Through number corner we continue to count by 1's, 5's, and 10' and create different ways to show larger numbers.
Our daily challenges continue to provide opportunities to practice telling time using analog and digital clocks, learn about "doubles and neighbors," count money, measure the temperature, and to explore growing patterns. INQUIRE with your child how they can show $.10 with coins? Can they do it in more than 1 way?
Students have sorted and counted buttons to determine which two colors appear most frequently. With these buttons, students examined different combinations to make 6 in a fun activity where they pulled 6 buttons mysteriously out of paper bags and recorded the results using an addition sentence of the 2 colors. In a work place, students are now exploring different combinations for the numbers 4 through 9. We have created a button addition chart to explore various fact families. INQUIRE with your child what the secret doors do!
In follow up lessons, students continued to learn how smaller numbers fit together to make larger
numbers. We explored this concept with odd and even puzzle pieces and tried to fit different pieces together to make different number combinations. INQUIRE with your child what an odd and even number is. What numbers are odd? What numbers are even?
During number corner, we have developed new calendar pieces for the month of October. We are focusing on position words and describing where a ladybug is in relation to the flower. Students are starting to notice a pattern - but aren't quite sure what it is yet. Can you believe we've been in school for 26 days already! Through number corner we continue to count by 1's, 5's, and 10' and create different ways to show larger numbers.
Our daily challenges continue to provide opportunities to practice telling time using analog and digital clocks, learn about "doubles and neighbors," count money, measure the temperature, and to explore growing patterns. INQUIRE with your child how they can show $.10 with coins? Can they do it in more than 1 way?
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